Cumulative SingingSQL News of Public Events

Cumulative news

  • SQL Tuning is now available in Polish and Russian.
  • I presented When Good Optimizers Make Bad Choices at the Hotsos Conference, Dallas, Texas, in March, 2005, and again, with some additions, at the Northern California Oracle Users Group, August, 2005.
  • I presented my Top-Down SQL Tuning Seminar at Oracle Day, in Iceland(!), May, 2005, and at the Northern California Oracle Users Group, May, 2005. This is a one-hour crash introduction to and summary of the material in my book and 2-3-day course.
  • I presented my 2-day Top-Down SQL Tuning course based on my book, through Miracle, in Denmark, February 15th and 16th, and in Iceland February 20th and 21, 2006st. The class in Iceland was larger than the class in Denmark, at 46 attendees! (I was thoroughly impressed that a country the size of Iceland could place that many students in such a technical, specialized class! Now, if I could just find proportional interest in the US, I could fill large halls!)
  • I presented Fixing Broken SQL at the Hotsos Conference, Dallas Texas, on March 7, 2006. This described methods for finding and fixing functional bugs in other developers’ SQL as a side-effect of your efforts to tune that SQL, even with only minimal knowledge of the business context of that SQL. HotsosPresentation
  • I presented my 2-day Top-Down SQL Tuning course based on my book in Oakland California, June 1-2, 2006.
  • I presented my old seminar, Fixing Broken SQL at the Northern California Oracle Users Group (NoCOUG) conference in Redwood Shores, California, in February 2007.
  • I presented my new seminar, Getting SQL Performance Right the First Try (Most of the Time) at the HOTSOS conference in Dallas in March 2007. To my knowledge, this was the first-ever sing-along HOTSOS presentation! (There is a recurring “chorus” in this presentation: “If you don’t know enough to… (something you ought to know before starting to write the SQL)… You don’t know enough to write the SQL!” The HOTSOS crowd, good sports all, sang the chorus along with me, each time this chorus came up! I was, however, merciful enough to my very tolerant audience to speak the rest of the presentation. Here is the whitepaper that goes with it.
  • I presented my new seminar, A Taxonomy of Problematic SQL at the Collaborate07 OAUG conference in Las Vegas April, 2007. Here is the whitepaper that goes with it.
  • I presented my new seminar, Natural Data Clustering: Why Nested Loops Win So Often, with whitepaper. At the HOTSOS seminar in Dallas, in March.
  • I presented my new seminar, SQL Tuning, Reaching Recent Data Fast, with whitepaper, at the OAUG in Denver, in April.
  • I presented my old seminar, Getting SQL Performance Right the First Try (Most of the Time), with whitepaper, at the Northern California Oracle Users Group (NoCOUG) conference in Redwood Shores, California, in May. In a second presentation the same day, I reprised my recent HOTSOS presentation, Natural Data Clustering: Why Nested Loops Win So Often, with whitepaper.
  • I presented my class, Top-Down SQL Tuning, soon, July 24-25, 2008 in Palo Alto (near San Francisco), California.
  • I presented SQL Tuning, Reaching Recent Data Fast, with whitepaper, at the Northern California OUG (NoCOUG) on November 13, 2009
  • I will present at the HOTSOS symposium, sometime between March 9 and 11, 2009, presenting Safe Use of Views? Just Say "No"?.
  • To those of you who tried my new puzzle site,, thanks! The site is gradually ramping up in popularity and becoming better-known. To the rest of you – if you like puzzles, like many tech types, give it a try!


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